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Hiring Made Easier: The Benefits of Document Confidence Providers


When hiring new employees for large businesses, it’s crucial to verify the applicant’s identification, qualifications, and other official documents properly. In the past, this process involved the hiring manager or HR worker physically reviewing the paperwork to provide confidence that the document matches the applicant, the contents are true and the source reputable. However, with the rise of digital hiring in today’s remote-working world, digital documents are here to stay. So, how does one provide confidence for digital documents? Is it safe? Let’s take a look.

How Digital Document Confidence Provision Works

Digital document confidence provision is the process of using the Docuvett® platform to confirm the owner, veracity of the content, and the source. These digital documents might include driver’s licences, bank statements, university qualifications, or work visas – anything that needs to be proved official before employment can commence. The process ensures the individual owner of the document is verified using the government Digital ID system, the contents of the digital document are valid, and the source is correctly identified using a robust onboarding and checking system. 

The Benefits of Digital Document Confidence Provision

  1. Increased security: Digital document confidence provision can help HR professionals prevent fraud and identity theft by ensuring that the person submitting the document is who they claim to be and that the document has not been tampered with.
  2. Convenience: Digital document confidence provision allows for documents to be submitted and verified electronically, which can save time and make the process more convenient for both the person submitting the document and the organisation receiving it.
  3. Cost savings: Digital document confidence provision can help reduce cost by eliminating the need for in-person meetings or mail-in submissions.
  4. Efficiency: Digital document confidence provision can help streamline the process of verifying documents, making it faster and more efficient.
  5. Compliance: Many industries have regulations that require documents to be verified in a specific way, digital document confidence provision can help ensure compliance with these regulations.

Overall, digital document confidence provision can help organisations and individuals ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, while also providing a more convenient, cost-effective, and efficient process for document verification.

The Security of Digital Documents Online

While digital document confidence provision has many benefits, it’s important to consider the potential security concerns. Digital documents are especially vulnerable to cyber attacks and data breaches as they’re key pieces for identity theft, so it’s essential to ensure that the platform being used for verification has robust security measures in place. They must include encrypted data storage and transmission, and should also feature owner-controllable access limitations, activity logs, and two-factor authentication. It’s also important for companies to have policies in place that mitigate the risk of data breaches and to respond appropriately in the event that a breach does occur. By using a service like Docuvett® that takes these precautions seriously, companies can ensure that their digital document confidence provision is secure and protects the privacy of their employees both current, former, and soon-to-be.


In today’s remote-working world, new hires expect a streamlined and efficient onboarding process from their new employers. As a result, it’s important for companies to prioritise the speed of their document collection and verification process as a way to cut out the large amount of time traditional methods take up. By using digital document confidence provision, you can ensure that you’re hiring the right employees while also providing a positive onboarding experience. Docuvett provides the best platform for doing just that. To learn more about the specifics of what Docuvett has to offer, head over to