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Docuvett: Providing Document Confidence for Employment Reference Checks for Recruiters and Employers

The modern job market faces two major problems: identity theft, and the fast pace of position listings. With this, recruiters and prospective employers face a daunting challenge when it comes to conducting thorough and reliable employment reference checks. Faced with the task of verifying a potential applicant’s document and employment history, recruiters often find themselves bogged down by time-consuming processes and uncertainty. 

Enter: Docuvett. Docuvett is an innovative Australian company that is transforming the landscape of recruitment by streamlining and ensuring the accuracy of reference checks through a meticulous verification process. Here’s how Docuvett works.

The Verification Process for Companies:

Once an applicant submits their credentials, Docuvett initiates the reference check process, reaching out to the previous employers and/or companies. The Docuvett team performs a 10-point check of the previous employers and companies to ensure the legitimacy of both the employer / company and the representative.

Individual Verification using AusPost’s Digital ID Service:

To complement the company-level verification, Docuvett leverages the Australia Post Digital ID Verification Service to ensure the authenticity of an applicant’s identity. Utilising cutting-edge document verification algorithms, the AusPost platform validates government-issued identification documents submitted by the candidate quickly and easily. Plus, if the applicant already has an AusPost Digital ID, they don’t have to upload a thing.

Ensuring Verified Employment References:

By combining company-level verification and individual identity checks, Docuvett guarantees that the document or employment history of a potential applicant is not only verified, but also linked to the correct individual. This dual verification process gives confidence to recruiters, providing them with accurate and up-to-date information to make informed hiring decisions.

The benefits of Docuvett’s services extend beyond just increased accuracy and efficiency, though. The streamlined reference checking process saves valuable time for both recruiters and applicants, expediting the hiring process and reducing the risk of losing top talent due to lengthy verification procedures. Additionally, by eliminating the need for manual data entry  and cross-referencing, recruiters can focus on more strategic aspects of talent acquisition.


In an era where talent acquisition is more competitive than ever, Docuvett emerges as a trailblazer in transforming the employment reference check process for recruiters. Their verification process, backed by the AusPost Digital ID Service, ensures that both the identity of applicants and the authenticity of their employment histories are thoroughly verified. Armed with accurate data, recruiters can confidently make informed decisions, propelling their organisations to new heights while securing the best talent available. Docuvett’s commitment to revolutionising reference checks sets a new standard for the recruitment industry.