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Unmasking Resume Deception: Navigating the Alarming Trend of Applicant Dishonesty with Docuvett’s Trust-Building Solution

The prevalence of dishonesty among job applicants is a growing concern for recruiters and hiring managers. A staggering 70% of workers confess to having lied on their resumes, with 37% admitting to doing so frequently. The lies range from embellishing job titles and responsibilities (52%) to fabricating entire job positions (24%). This trend is not limited to resumes; 76% of workers have lied in their cover letters, and 80% have lied during job interviews.

The implications of these dishonest practices are far-reaching. Hiring based on fraudulent information can lead to poor job performance, cultural misfits, and legal repercussions. In addition, it damages the reputation of both the individual and the organisation involved.

Further exacerbating this issue, a 2020 study by Checkster surveyed 400 job seekers and 400 hiring managers, revealing that 78% of job seekers either misrepresented themselves or considered doing so on job applications and resumes. Among these, 45.7% admitted their lying was moderate and 3.3% extreme, while 28.5% said they lied “a lot” but not to an extreme extent.

Common resume lies included proficiency in in-demand career skills not actually possessed (60%), falsely increased employment duration to exclude a company (50.25%), inflating GPA for recent graduates (49%), and using titles like “director” instead of “manager” (41%). Other fabrications involved listing degrees from prestigious universities without having completed them, including false achievements, and misrepresenting reasons for leaving a job.

Interestingly, not all hiring managers are opposed to candidates who misrepresent themselves. About 29.4% would still hire such candidates with a good explanation, and 3.3% would hire regardless of the misrepresentation. Only 34.4% cited lying as an automatic disqualification.

On the other hand, the Blind study in 2019 found that 90% of respondents claimed they never lied to get a job. This study looked at academic degrees, technical abilities, criminal records, and other lies during job interviews. Large companies like SAP, Amazon, and Cisco had employees who admitted to lying, but most respondents from companies like Salesforce, Tableau, and Intuit claimed they never lied on their resumes.

Lying on a resume can have severe consequences, including damage to reputation, legal jeopardy, and career difficulties. Yet, some companies might still hire candidates who have lied, depending on the situation.

For recruiters and hiring managers, these findings underscore the importance of thorough vetting processes. Docuvett offers a solution to build “document trust” by allowing references to verify data and prove their identity, helping to ensure that candidates’ claims are legitimate. This tool can be invaluable in an environment where resume dishonesty is unfortunately common, providing a reliable way to verify applicant information and protect the integrity of the hiring process.

The use of Docuvett’s system can significantly reduce the likelihood of hiring based on fraudulent information and ensure that the candidates you bring into your organisation are genuinely qualified and honest. In today’s job market, where dishonesty on resumes is increasingly prevalent, having a reliable tool like Docuvett to verify candidate information is more important than ever. By implementing such a system, you can protect your organisation from the risks associated with resume fraud and make more informed hiring decisions, thereby maintaining the integrity and trustworthiness of your hiring process.

Employment Verification’s Best Practices

Employment verification is a critical aspect of the modern employment landscape. It gives hiring and HR managers peace of mind in their processes, and allows them to give that peace to their counterparts in other organisations. In tandem with personal references, employment verification letters are a great tool in ensuring your company hires the right person for the job. In this guide, we’ll provide valuable insights and strategies to optimise your business’s employment verification process.

Understanding Employment Verification

Employment verification holds significant importance in confirming the accuracy of employment information provided by individuals. Various levels of verification exist, fluctuating in formality and thoroughness, but traditionally a HR department will provide a short letter outlining their outgoing worker’s role in their company that that worker will give to their new managers. Relying solely on self-reported data from candidates poses risks, as discrepancies can arise in aspects like job duration, roles held, and qualifications.

The Verification Process

Employment verification involves confirming employment details of both applicants and current employees. The process requires consent in compliance with relevant state and federal regulations. Thorough checks involve contacting individuals listed on resumes and verifying information like job titles, responsibilities, tenure, and rehire eligibility, as well as providing written references and verification documents and details. The process as a whole assures accurate and trustworthy information, crucial for making informed decisions.

Verifying Current Employees

Requests to verify current employees’ roles are common, especially for financial applications or business loans. It’s best to inform employees about verification requests promptly, maintaining professionalism and authenticity, so that all the parties involved are providing proper consent. Care should also be taken to ensure the legitimacy of requests before sharing information, as any sensitive information ending up in the wrong hands can be devastating for the employee affected.

Benefits of Employment Verification

Employment verification exists to provide a confirmed record of an individual’s job history and other pertinent details. This practice safeguards companies from potential legal consequences arising from employee actions. Ensuring accuracy and authenticity through employment verification strengthens a company’s reputation and culture.

Best Practices for Effective Verification

Employment verification demands meticulous efforts and fine attention to detail. Be sure to maintain consistency by defining a workflow for your verification process, and for obtaining clear consent from all parties involved. Conduct thorough research if contact information is inaccessible, whether by moving into regulator databases or just talking with the employee being verified. If you’re in recruitment, tailor your verification processes to suit different industries and roles, as some sectors have particular needs that others don’t. Discuss with the employee any concerns you have such as gaps in employment and probe discrepancies to ensure accurate representation in your communications and records.

Addressing Defunct Companies

Even when a previous employer is no longer operational, various documents like pay stubs and tax forms can confirm past employment. Employment background checks can unearth accurate details, even when the company is no longer in business, and familiarising yourself with the appropriate regulatory body that holds these details is important when employment verification is part of your job.

Compliance and Regulations

Adhering to relevant regulations is vital for background checks and employment verification. Businesses must secure explicit consent, inform candidates of their rights, and provide avenues for correcting inaccurate information. Ensuring fairness and trustworthy practices is essential. Check with the employment regulator in your area to see their requirements and recommendations for verification processes.


Employment verification is an indispensable tool for businesses seeking to implement reliable hiring practices. By adhering to best practices and regulations, companies can ensure fair and trustworthy hiring processes, fostering a culture of transparency and integrity. Leveraging modern technology can further enhance the efficiency and accuracy of employment verification for contemporary organisations in Australia, with Docuvett being a leader in employment verification technologies. Head over to https://docuvett.com.au/ today to learn more about how we can assist your verification processes.

Docuvett: Providing Document Confidence for Employment Reference Checks for Recruiters and Employers

The modern job market faces two major problems: identity theft, and the fast pace of position listings. With this, recruiters and prospective employers face a daunting challenge when it comes to conducting thorough and reliable employment reference checks. Faced with the task of verifying a potential applicant’s document and employment history, recruiters often find themselves bogged down by time-consuming processes and uncertainty. 

Enter: Docuvett. Docuvett is an innovative Australian company that is transforming the landscape of recruitment by streamlining and ensuring the accuracy of reference checks through a meticulous verification process. Here’s how Docuvett works.

The Verification Process for Companies:

Once an applicant submits their credentials, Docuvett initiates the reference check process, reaching out to the previous employers and/or companies. The Docuvett team performs a 10-point check of the previous employers and companies to ensure the legitimacy of both the employer / company and the representative.

Individual Verification using AusPost’s Digital ID Service:

To complement the company-level verification, Docuvett leverages the Australia Post Digital ID Verification Service to ensure the authenticity of an applicant’s identity. Utilising cutting-edge document verification algorithms, the AusPost platform validates government-issued identification documents submitted by the candidate quickly and easily. Plus, if the applicant already has an AusPost Digital ID, they don’t have to upload a thing.

Ensuring Verified Employment References:

By combining company-level verification and individual identity checks, Docuvett guarantees that the document or employment history of a potential applicant is not only verified, but also linked to the correct individual. This dual verification process gives confidence to recruiters, providing them with accurate and up-to-date information to make informed hiring decisions.

The benefits of Docuvett’s services extend beyond just increased accuracy and efficiency, though. The streamlined reference checking process saves valuable time for both recruiters and applicants, expediting the hiring process and reducing the risk of losing top talent due to lengthy verification procedures. Additionally, by eliminating the need for manual data entry  and cross-referencing, recruiters can focus on more strategic aspects of talent acquisition.


In an era where talent acquisition is more competitive than ever, Docuvett emerges as a trailblazer in transforming the employment reference check process for recruiters. Their verification process, backed by the AusPost Digital ID Service, ensures that both the identity of applicants and the authenticity of their employment histories are thoroughly verified. Armed with accurate data, recruiters can confidently make informed decisions, propelling their organisations to new heights while securing the best talent available. Docuvett’s commitment to revolutionising reference checks sets a new standard for the recruitment industry.

Docuvett’s Guide to Employment Verification Letters

An Employment Verification Letter is a crucial document used to confirm an individual’s employment status and history. Whether you’re an HR manager or an employee, understanding the significance of this letter can make a real difference in various situations both professional and personal.

The letter serves as proof of employment and income, making it essential for various applications like loans, renting apartments, government assistance, or immigration purposes. For job seekers, providing an employment verification letter can enhance their credibility and increase their chances of landing a new job.

When crafting an employment verification letter for an employee at your organisation, it’s crucial to include specific details like the employee’s name, job title, dates of employment, salary, and employment status. Being comprehensive with this information ensures that the letter remains valid and accurate for various purposes.

As an HR professional, it’s essential to maintain up-to-date and accurate records of your employees. Utilising dynamic fields in PDFs, for example, can be a great way to streamline the process of updating essential documents, including employment verification letters. This way, you can ensure the information remains current and relevant in the moment it’s needed and avoid rushing around to get it ready by a deadline.

To request or provide an employment verification letter, it’s best to follow a formal process and address the letter to the appropriate party – the person you’re writing the letter for should be able to provide these details. Your organisation may already have a formal process for employment verification letters fleshed out, so make sure you’re familiar with it for when it becomes necessary. By maintaining professionalism and clarity, the verification process becomes smoother and more reliable. 

As you navigate the world of employment verification, ensure that the letters you write adhere to legal requirements and guidelines. This way, it serves as a credible and legally binding document that can be used as evidence if necessary.

At Docuvett, we understand the significance of accurate employment verification and the impact it can have on businesses and individuals. Our document and identity verification services are designed to provide reliable, efficient, and secure solutions for the recruitment industry. Whether you’re an HR professional seeking streamlined processes or an employee looking for comprehensive verification services, we’ve got you covered.

Get started with Docuvett today and elevate your document verification process. Visit our website at www.docuvett.com.au to learn more about our services and how we can support your job application and document verification needs. Join countless other HR managers, recruiters, and jobseekers who trust Docuvett for accurate and secure document verification today.

The Art of Reference Checking

How to find the information you need and hire the perfect candidate

Checking references is a crucial step in the hiring process, and it should never be glossed over as a mere formality. Relying on your intuition can be risky, especially when a candidate may have hidden professional issues. Seeking input from the people who the candidate lists is the first step, but it can also be helpful to identify further people to contact based on the specific information you need. Collaborate with the candidate and their references to gather the most relevant information and find out if the candidate is right for your company.

When reaching out to references, take your time, and assume the call will take around an hour. You can assume that you and the person you’re calling both want to reach the same goal of hiring the right person, so it’ll likely be an amicable conversation. Start by asking how the reference knows the candidate to ensure they can provide a valuable evaluation. Begin the conversation with a positive tone and emphasise the value of obtaining a reliable reference. Clearly describe the role and its challenges, and ask the reference to share their observations of the candidate’s performance in similar situations. Your main goal is to ensure that what the candidate has stated in their application is true.

To obtain meaningful information, a good start involves asking open-ended questions based on what you’ve learned from the candidate during interviews. Avoid broad questions that may lead to vague responses or uncertain conclusions. Focus on facts rather than interpreting the reference’s tone (or expression, if you’re doing a video call). While you may spot some red flags occasionally, it’s best to refrain from making emotional decisions and instead calmly inquire further. In case of discrepancies between your understanding and the references’ comments, give the reference or the candidate an opportunity to explain their words.

In addition to assessing technical skills and qualifications, be sure to inquire about the candidate’s soft skills and emotional intelligence. By understanding their self-awareness, motivation, empathy, and flexibility, you gain insights into how well they might fit within your organisation’s wider culture, as well as within the specific department they’re being hired for. This information is invaluable in making a cultural fit assessment and determining if the candidate aligns with the values and dynamics of your workplace.

Lastly, if direct reference checks prove challenging due to company policies or restrictions, consider alternative approaches. Seek out informal references through your professional network, past employees, or LinkedIn connections who may have valuable insights about the candidate. By leveraging your company’s extended network, you can supplement the formal reference check process and gain a more comprehensive understanding of the candidate’s background and potential fit within your organisation. Be sure to not break any ethical standards if you choose to go this route, as informal information like this can often be coloured by subjective opinions that may not always be accurate.

By adhering to these principles and investing time and effort in conducting thorough and meaningful reference checks, you equip yourself with the necessary information to make well-informed hiring decisions. This comprehensive approach ensures you avoid costly hiring mistakes and secure the best-fit talent to drive your organisation’s success.

When you’re conducting reference checks, one great way to ensure all your documents and those of your candidates are kept secure, as well as ensure your candidate’s identity is verified, is through Docuvett. Docuvett provides digital verification services through a smooth, user-friendly platform that ensure all your documents are safe from identity theft. To learn more about Docuvett, head over to https://docuvett.com.au/ today.

Protecting Your Money: Understanding KYC and How it Fights Financial Crime

Are you concerned about financial cybercrime and want to know how your bank is protecting your money? Meet KYC – the ‘Know Your Customer’ standard that is essential in the fight against financial crimes. In this blog, we’ll explain what KYC is, why it’s mandatory for financial institutions, and how it works to keep your money safe.

What is KYC and Why is it Important?

KYC is a mandatory process that institutions like banks, advisors, stock traders, gambling companies, and governments use to verify their customers’ identity. It was first introduced in the US in the late 1990s as a way to combat financial crimes such as fraud and money laundering, and has since spread as the accepted global framework. The process includes ID card verification, document verification, and facial or biometric verification, and it’s crucial for financial institutions in understanding their customers and their transactions in order to identify suspicious activities and protect against crime.

How KYC Verification Works

KYC verification starts with customers filling out an online KYC registration form with their personal information. They then need to confirm this information by providing physical documents as evidence. These documents are then uploaded and verified to ensure they are authentic – this might be done with human document verification experts, or with sophisticated AI analysis software. Once verified, the financial institution can proceed with the verification process to ensure the documents have not been tampered with.

Documents Required for KYC

To prove their identity, customers must provide certain documents. These include:

  • Proof of identity: Birth certificate, passport, or driver’s licence (two separate documents are typically required – one for proof of name and one for proof of address).
  • Proof of address: Utility bill, bank statement, tenancy agreement, or council tax bill (must be less than three months old).
  • Proof of income: Salary statement, income tax return, or bank statement.

Together, all the documents supplied must meet at least 100 points of ID, though some institutions may ask for more.

Industries That Must Comply with KYC

Financial Services

The financial services sector is a prime target for criminals, leading to significant losses, loss of client confidence, and damage to industry reputation. KYC in banking is particularly important as this industry is at a higher risk of financial fraud and money laundering. Financial institutions must perform verification procedures for their customers to reduce fraudulent activities.

It’s not just new customers who are subject to KYC – existing customers must also periodically update their KYC information. By doing so, financial institutions can ensure that their customers are not involved in any financial crimes or criminal organisations. Additionally, KYC also helps prevent the financial institution from being used for money laundering or other illegal activities.


The gambling industry has grown rapidly since the development of online gambling in the late 1990s. People are increasingly turning to online gambling as a way to have fun and potentially make some money. However, the gambling industry is not immune to financial crimes. To combat these illegal activities, many online gambling websites have implemented KYC systems.

KYC checks in online gambling sites can take up to 72 hours once the required documents are submitted by the gambler. By verifying their customers using KYC processes, gambling operators can prevent money laundering, terrorist funding, and other illegal financial activities. While some players may prefer anonymous gambling sites, these are becoming less common as authorities crack down and more operators adopt KYC policies.

Investments and Crypto Trading

Cryptocurrency has become a popular form of online payment since its introduction in 2009. However, the anonymity of cryptocurrency transactions can make it a potential haven for criminals. To minimise identity theft and fraud in crypto trading, many virtual asset service providers have established robust KYC policies.

KYC systems on crypto exchanges typically require new users to provide personal details such as legal names, ID cards, and up-to-date addresses. Additional documents may be required depending on the location and services provided by the exchange. By verifying users’ identities, investigators can track financial criminals and prevent illegal activities.

KYC and Docuvett

Docuvett is a powerful tool for facilitating KYC checks for both financial institutions and their customers. Docuvett allows users to securely upload their important identification documents one time, then provide access to them through the Docuvett platform rather than a webpage, email, or cloud sharing. This speeds up the process significantly for anyone applying for multiple products or services, as well as for the agents who might need to access the info multiple times throughout the setup process. Docuvett’s security features also ensure that nobody who might illegally gain access to a financial institution’s data will be able to access your documents.

In conclusion, KYC is a crucial tool in the fight against financial cybercrime. By understanding and complying with the standard, financial institutions can protect their customers’ money and prevent fraud and money laundering.

Hiring Made Easier: The Benefits of Document Confidence Providers


When hiring new employees for large businesses, it’s crucial to verify the applicant’s identification, qualifications, and other official documents properly. In the past, this process involved the hiring manager or HR worker physically reviewing the paperwork to provide confidence that the document matches the applicant, the contents are true and the source reputable. However, with the rise of digital hiring in today’s remote-working world, digital documents are here to stay. So, how does one provide confidence for digital documents? Is it safe? Let’s take a look.

How Digital Document Confidence Provision Works

Digital document confidence provision is the process of using the Docuvett® platform to confirm the owner, veracity of the content, and the source. These digital documents might include driver’s licences, bank statements, university qualifications, or work visas – anything that needs to be proved official before employment can commence. The process ensures the individual owner of the document is verified using the government Digital ID system, the contents of the digital document are valid, and the source is correctly identified using a robust onboarding and checking system. 

The Benefits of Digital Document Confidence Provision

  1. Increased security: Digital document confidence provision can help HR professionals prevent fraud and identity theft by ensuring that the person submitting the document is who they claim to be and that the document has not been tampered with.
  2. Convenience: Digital document confidence provision allows for documents to be submitted and verified electronically, which can save time and make the process more convenient for both the person submitting the document and the organisation receiving it.
  3. Cost savings: Digital document confidence provision can help reduce cost by eliminating the need for in-person meetings or mail-in submissions.
  4. Efficiency: Digital document confidence provision can help streamline the process of verifying documents, making it faster and more efficient.
  5. Compliance: Many industries have regulations that require documents to be verified in a specific way, digital document confidence provision can help ensure compliance with these regulations.

Overall, digital document confidence provision can help organisations and individuals ensure the authenticity and integrity of electronic documents, while also providing a more convenient, cost-effective, and efficient process for document verification.

The Security of Digital Documents Online

While digital document confidence provision has many benefits, it’s important to consider the potential security concerns. Digital documents are especially vulnerable to cyber attacks and data breaches as they’re key pieces for identity theft, so it’s essential to ensure that the platform being used for verification has robust security measures in place. They must include encrypted data storage and transmission, and should also feature owner-controllable access limitations, activity logs, and two-factor authentication. It’s also important for companies to have policies in place that mitigate the risk of data breaches and to respond appropriately in the event that a breach does occur. By using a service like Docuvett® that takes these precautions seriously, companies can ensure that their digital document confidence provision is secure and protects the privacy of their employees both current, former, and soon-to-be.


In today’s remote-working world, new hires expect a streamlined and efficient onboarding process from their new employers. As a result, it’s important for companies to prioritise the speed of their document collection and verification process as a way to cut out the large amount of time traditional methods take up. By using digital document confidence provision, you can ensure that you’re hiring the right employees while also providing a positive onboarding experience. Docuvett provides the best platform for doing just that. To learn more about the specifics of what Docuvett has to offer, head over to https://docuvett.com.au/.